Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Operations Managment - 14673 Words

Key operations questions Chapter 1 Operations management âž ¤ What is operations management? âž ¤ Why is operations management important in all types of organization? âž ¤ What is the input–transformation– output process? âž ¤ What is the process hierarchy? âž ¤ How do operations processes have different characteristics? âž ¤ What are the activities of operations management? Chapter 2 Operations performance âž ¤ Why is operations performance important in any organization? âž ¤ How does the operations function incorporate all stakeholders’ objectives? âž ¤ What does top management expect from the operations function? âž ¤ What are the performance objectives of operations and what are the internal and external beneï ¬ ts which derive from excelling in each of them? âž ¤Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Both of these operating principles are still the basis of IKEA’s retail operations process today. Stores are designed to facilitate the smooth ï ¬â€šow of customers, from parking, moving through the store itself, to ordering and picking up goods. At the entrance to each store large notice-boards provide advice to shoppers. For young children, there is a supervised children’s play area, a small cinema, and a parent and baby room so parents can leave their children in the supervised play area for a time. Parents are recalled via the loudspeaker system if the chi ld has any problems. IKEA ‘allow customers to make up their minds in their own time’ but ‘information points’ have staff who can help. All furniture carries a ticket with a code number which indicates its location in the warehouse. (For larger items customers go to the information desks for assistance.) There is also an area where smaller items are displayed, and can be picked directly. Customers then pass through the warehouse where they pick up the items viewed in the showroom. Finally, customers pay at the checkouts, where a ramped conveyor belt moves purchases up to the checkout staff. The exit area has service points and a loading area that allows customers to bring their cars from the car park and load their purchases. Behind the public face of IKEA’s huge stores is a complex worldwide network ofShow MoreRelatedOperation Managment1062 Words   |  5 Pageslargest U.S. tool-makers are struggling to restructure. Blame the government, yes. But bl ame the industry, too. Questions 1. Write a brief report that outlines the reasons (both internal and external) for Burgmaster’s demise, and whether operations management played a significant role in the demise. 2. Do you think that inadequate strategic planning was a factor that resulted in the company’s asking for trade protection? 3. 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